Monday, 5 May 2014

Updated overlay

Hello survivors! I've just finished tweaking my long-range scope overlay and would like to share it with the world. Click here to check it out. What it basically shows is the range of a player (in meters) using the minimum field of view setting (0.5).

It goes right up to 1000 meters. 900 and 1000 are marked in grey. There is also a 900 and 1000 marker under the crosshair - this is for shooting at that range when zeroed for 800 meters.

The markers underneath are a mirror of the top. You can use these as an alternative reference. This is being tested at the moment - I want to see which way is more intuitive to use. The ranges are not marked as I didn't want to clutter the overlay too much.

Now, you won't want to be running around with a minimum field of view all the time (fully magnified at 0.5 FOV), so you will want to know where a field of view of 1.0 is at. In the FOV settings, click on the neck of the "d" in "Field" - that is exactly 1 and you will also find that it is a fairly easy and quick way to change.

The brilliant thing about the change from 0.5 to 1.0 is that you can still use the overlay. You simply half the range on the markers to get the actual range, as the magnification is exactly half of what it was before.